Thursday, July 22, 2010

The first of many...

The morning of July 12, 2010 dawned as a hot and muggy start to the week, but it ended with a happy little girl who made it through her first day of school and quickly her first full week.

Our little angel baby started her first day of daycare at A Touch Above in Strafford on July 12th after having been loved and cared for by her grandmas and grandpas (as well as her favorite auntie) for the 6 weeks leading up to her first day. I never thought I would be dropping my little bug off for her first day of school for the next 18+ years so as the day approached I grew more apprehensive and sad. I know it is a great opportunity for Matney to grow and to become flexible, but it was hard to imagine that 3 months had gone by since she was safe and secure in my belly. I also don't want her to grow up thinking that mommy and daddy didn't love her enough to stay with her all the time as well as I don't want to miss a single change in her life. I know that it is best for her though so that Brandon and I can provide the necessities and luxuries in life that she will need and want. As my mom keeps reminding me, Abby and I turned out just fine, and we started daycare at 6 weeks or so of age.

I have to say I am pretty proud of myself for only calling to check in on her on the first day after being used to calling everyday to check on her or a couple of times a day. I even called Brandon to see if he thought it would be okay if I called. :) I knew I had to cut the cord sometime since I won't be able to call 1 or 2 times a day when she starts kindergarten. Picking her up after her first day made me realize we made the right choice in the daycare. She was so happy and worn out that night when I brought her home and it was easy to see that she was well cared for and happy with her teachers. Her second week has been much easier on Mommy and I am already seeing changes in her. When I get her in the evening she smiles at me as I pick her up and melts my heart each time as if she is saying, "my Mommy is here to get me and I love her so much" and as we leave she laughs out loud at the boys as they say "BYE! BYE!" and at the teacher as we talk about her day.

I still can't believe my little bug is big enough for daycare. It will probably be tomorrow and she will be starting highschool. I pray time slows down so I don't miss a thing.
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