Merriam Webster defines gratitude as the following:
Main Entry: grat·i·tude
Pronunciation: \ˈgra-tə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Medieval Latin; Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin gratitudo, from Latin gratus grateful Date: 1523
the state of being grateful : thankfulnessThe last several days I have been remind of all the things I have to be grateful for and have sent up several prayers, thanking God for all of my blessings in life. Here are just a few of the things I am grateful/thankful for.- A wonderful, loving husband who laughs at my jokes, always listens even when I ramble on (or according to him, start to mumble and make no sense), and supports me in everything I do. I know it sounds cliche to say that we don't often fight, but we don't and that makes me love him even more. I cannot express how grateful I am that we lead a mostly uncomplicate, simple life that is for the most part free of drama.
- My job that I go to every day to help support my family. Even though I often grumble about it, there are days like today that I come home feeling good about what I accomplished for the day--or maybe it is feeling good about finally putting the screws to someone who is trying to pull the wool over our eyes?
- My family and friends who have been more than supportive in all ways over the last 30+ weeks as we have progressed through our first pregnancy. The weeks have gone by so quickly and I cannot believe we are down to 8 weeks until our little girl arrives.
- For a healthy, morning sickness free, uneventful pregnancy. I believe it is a fear of any first time mother that something will go wrong while you are caring your precious gift from God and I am thankful that He has sent us on this journey and made it a great experience to this point, all the while protecting me and my little girl.